Energy Deployment has had 40 years of experience supporting the Oil, Gas, Petrochemical, Water and Power industries in a variety of ways and has developed business working with famous and reliable global pump manufacturers. We can assure our customers that “wherever there is a fluid, we have its pumping solution”.
The supply of centrifugal pumps has been our main focus including radially split pumps, axially split pumps, barrel casing pumps, multiphase pumps, ring section pumps and vertical pumps. Our business scope covers different types including OH1, OH2, OH3, BB1, BB2, BB3, BB4, BB5, VS0, VS1, VS2, VS4, VS6 among others. All our pumps meet the relevant international standards such as API 610, ISO 5199, and ISO 13709 as required.
In addition to the centrifugal focus we supply other types such as rotary and reciprocating pumps.
Based on our manufacturers’ modern knowledge, most critical pumping challenges can be addressed either by a wide range of product line or a new customised design. These unique advantages enhance our customers’ profitability in operation, maintenance, repair and lifetime. The products are offered by us with considering:
Process knowledge of high-tech manufacturers for different services
Energy efficient and performance reliable pumping solutions
Client’s cost reduction by global sourcing, even for the sub-vendors of minor parts and splitting manufacturing stages (such as casting, assembly and testing) into the pump manufacturer’s different shops around the world to optimize the final expense
Customized design based on the client’s requirement as a complete package including auxiliary systems, instrument, monitoring and control systems
Summary of our Services:
The pumps we supply have the following Process Conduction Capacities:
Capacities up to 80,000 m3/h
Differential heads up to 8000 m
Pressures up to 1100 bar
Temperatures up to 425°C for horizontal and 600°C for vertical pumps
Powers up to 30MW
They are made of the following materials appropriate to their requirements:
Cast Irons, Carbon Steels, Alloy Steels, Stainless Steels, Duplex and Super Duplex Steels, Nickel Alloys, Coated materials etc.
And they are used in the following applications:
Oil & Gas (Upstream, Midstream and Downstream)
Pipelines, crude and light oil transfer, refined product pipelines, offshore crude oil shipping, refinery charge, remote pipeline services, onshore topside multiphase or hybrid pressure boosting and transport, HTF oil circulation, refinery and petrochemical process applications, sump applications, LPG , tank farm boosting
Power Generation & Utilities
Boiler feed pumps, condensate extraction pumps, cooling water pumps, sea water reverse osmosis (SWRO), desalination, sea water intake pumps, subsea multiphase or hybrid pressure boosting, water injection and transport, auxiliary services
Water Industries
Water production, transportation, wastewater collection and treatment for municipalities, irrigation supply, water intake, flood control
General Industries
Metal production, sugar refining, fertilizer manufacturing and ethanol refining with highly erosive and corrosive processes and harsh environment, low-consistency fibrous slurries, fuel injection, gas containing liquids and self-priming applications, large solids containing liquids and slurries, mine dewatering, molten salt circulation